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The amazing effects of dragon fruit you may not know (Part 2)

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Dragon fruit contains vitamins C , B1, B2, B3 and essential minerals including phosphorus, iron and calcium. In 100g, dragon fruit provides 21 mg of vitamin C, equivalent to 34% of the vitamin C the body needs each day, and also provides 3g of fiber, equivalent to 12% of the daily amount of fiber.

High in fiber

Eating dragon fruit helps you cleanse the digestive system naturally. This fruit is high in fiber, which can aid poor digestion and constipation . Meat and nuts contain very good protein, which will keep your body toned.

Prevent acne

This treatment is not just for teens. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C, so this fruit becomes a pretty good ointment.

To prevent acne, cut a thin slice of dragon fruit and crush it, apply it on the red skin on the face or other skin areas, then rinse with water. For best results, do this twice daily.

Hair protection

Applying dragon fruit juice or a dragon fruit extract to the scalp will protect the hair, while keeping the hair follicles open, helping your hair absorb nutrients quickly and become healthy, silky smooth.

Soothe sunburned skin

By combining dragon fruit with cucumber juice and honey , you can create an aloe-like compound that can soothe burnt skin. Dragon fruit contains a lot of vitamin B3 which moisturizes sunburned skin and releases heat from the affected area.

Improve eyesight

Like carrots, dragon fruit is rich in carotene that helps maintain and improve eyesight.

Rich in antioxidants

To help the body get rid of free radicals and cancer-producing properties, you can eat foods that contain antioxidants. You have the right to believe it or not, but dragon fruit is becoming a formidable opponent of acai fruit - a fruit that concentrates large amounts of antioxidants.

Weight loss

If you want to lose weight , add dragon fruit to your daily diet. The reason is that dragon fruit contains less calories and more fiber, this will help the body feel full faster and control appetite effectively.

Cure minor burns

You just need to remove the bark and thorns of the dragon tree trunk, wash it with dilute salt water, smear it with water or use the residue to cover the burn will eliminate the burning. This method also works very well for curing boils and closed fractures.

How can you use dragon fruit as a daily routine?

What to do if you're tired of eating apples or bananas daily? Dragon fruit is easy to eat and you only need a spoonful to feel the goodness of it, similar to kiwi. You can also easily bite it when peeled. A dragon fruit will provide enough quality as a snack, but soon you will feel more appetite.

Dragon fruit has many uses, right? Try adding dragon fruit to your menu, maybe you will get many uses that it brings.

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