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5 delicious dishes from dragon fruits you can make at home

Not only eat directly, you can also enjoy more flavors with dragon fruit smoothies and many other delicious dishes made from dragon fruits!

Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit with a fancy shape with a dark pink crust and light green leaves. Each dragon fruit contains about 60 calories, and is a rich source of vitamins C , B1, B2, B3 and minerals like iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Dragon fruit has a sweet and cool taste, so it has long been a favorite fruit of many people. Just eat a piece of dragon fruit, you can quickly replenish your body on hot days.

Besides the usual way of eating dragon fruit, do you know how to prepare other dishes from dragon fruit such as dragon fruit smoothie, dragon fruit juice, dragon wine, dragon fruit syrup and ice cream? Let's learn about 5 cool delicacies from dragon fruit with Hello Bacsi !

1. How to prepare dragon fruit smoothie

dragon fruit smoothie


To prepare about 2 cups of cool dragon fruit smoothie, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 ripe, sweet dragon fruits (You can choose white or red flesh dragon fruit according to your preference. However, red dragon fruit smoothie will have more eye-catching colors)
  • 1 fresh lemon
  • 4 teaspoons (20ml) of pure honey
  • 6 teaspoons (30ml) of sweetened condensed milk
  • 100 ml of fresh milk with sugar (or without sugar if you do not like to eat too sweet)
  • A glass of shaved ice
  • 2–3 mint leaves for a refreshing taste (you can remove them if you don't want them)
  • A bit of basil seed (if you like)


♥ Step 1: Wash the dragon fruit and mint leaves, drain.

♥ Step 2: Squeeze the juice of lemon juice. Don't forget to add 2 slices of lemon to decorate.

♥ Step 3: Peel the skin and dice the dragon fruit (to make it easier to grind). You should scoop some dragon fruit to decorate and serve with a smoothie (if you don't have a spoon, you can leave some diced dragon fruit instead).

♥ Step 4: Put all the processed dragon fruit into the blender, add a little lemon juice, 4 spoons of honey, 6 spoons of condensed milk and 100ml of fresh milk and grind until smoothened smoothies.

♥ Step 5: Put the prepared shaved ice into the blender and continue grinding for 3–5 minutes. In the process, you can try a smoothie to increase or decrease the sweetness with honey or condensed milk. If you like to eat sour, you can also adjust the sourness of this smoothie with a little lemon juice.

♥ Step 6: Pour a smoothie into 2 cups, add the remaining dragon fruit and decorate into the mouth of the cup, 2 thin slices of lemon. If desired, sprinkle some condensed milk on top of 1–2 teaspoons of é seeds to enhance the flavor as well as make the smoothie even more eye-catching.

2. How to process dragon fruit juice

dragon fruit juice

If the dragon fruit smoothie gives you a special sweet and sour taste because of the combination of dragon fruit and lemon juice and the cool feeling of shaved ice, dragon fruit juice dish will be the perfect choice for those who Preferred natural sweetness, cool bar.


You need to prepare:

  • 1/2 ripe and sweet dragon fruit (red or white inside, depending on preference)
  • 2 teaspoons of white sugar
  • Half a cup of shaved ice
  • A few slices of fresh pineapple (if you like)


♥ Step 1: Rinse the dragon fruit and peel it, cut into bite-sized pieces.

♥ Step 2: Put the dragon fruit and a few slices of pineapple in the juicer to squeeze the water.

♥ Step 3: Add the freshly squeezed juice to half a glass of prepared ice, add a little sugar (depending on your taste).

♥ Step 4: Garnish with a few slices of fresh dragon fruit and stir well before you enjoy it!

3. How to prepare dragon fruit wine

dragon wine

Dragon wine - or red wine soaked in exactness, is a novel but no less nutritious drink than many other fruit wines. Reward yourself with a glass of dragon fruit wine after a long and tiring day!


To be able to prepare dragon fruit wine, you need to prepare:

  • 600g red flesh dragon fruit meat
  • 250g rock sugar
  • 600 ml of alcohol
  • Wine brewers (you can choose either glass or crockery)


♥ Step 1: Wash the dragon and cut into small pieces.

♥ Step 2: Put all 600g dragon fruit into the composting jar according to the formula, cover one layer of alum sugar with one layer of dragon fruit.

♥ Step 3: Pour the wine into a pitcher and close the stopper.

♥ Step 4: Store the jar in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

♥ Step 5: After 3 months, if you smell the alcohol gradually giving off a mild aroma, take the wine away to remove the dragon's corpse and pour it back into the brewer.

♥ Step 6: When drinking, scoop out enough wine into a glass, add some ice and shake well before serving.

Note that the following group of people should absolutely not drink dragon wine: people with diabetes , pregnant women and nursing mothers, children. Drinking alcohol can cause some serious health risks. In addition, to avoid absolute abuse of dragon wine, you should only drink about 40–50 ml per day.

4. How to prepare dragon fruit syrup

dragon syrup

Dragon syrup seems to be a new and unknown drink. However, this drink has a sweet taste and is suitable for enjoying with your family this summer.


To prepare a jar of cool dragon syrup, you need to prepare:

  • 2 kg red dragon fruit
  • 200g granulated sugar
  • 15 rules (kumquats)
  • 300 ml of filtered boiled water to cool.


♥ Step 1: Rinse the dragon fruit and drain. Peel the dragon and cut into pieces.

♥ Step 2: Put the dragon fruit into the juicer to filter the juice.

♥ Step 3: Cut the rules in half, remove the seeds and squeeze the juice.

♥ Step 4: Dissolve the dragon fruit juice and 300ml of filtered water in a pot, add 200g of sugar. Bring to a boil on low heat (low heat level) to prevent bubbles from boiling.

♥ Step 5: Once the sugar has dissolved and the solution is of a moderate consistency, turn off the heat and allow to cool before adding the juice. Stir well and taste to adjust the sweet and sour taste according to taste.

♥ Step 6: Allow the syrup to cool completely, then pour into a glass jar, cover and store in the refrigerator compartment.

Every time you drink, just pour enough syrup into a glass, add a little filtered water (you can add a few drops of lemon if you want). After that, add some ice cubes and stir well before enjoying.

5. How to prepare dragon fruit ice cream

Dragon ice cream

Fruit ice cream has heard a lot but you know you can make your own dragon fruit ice cream with simple tools and ingredients right at home yet? In the hot and hot weather in the early days of summer, it is true that the cool dragon fruit ice cream is an attractive and ideal choice for family members.


To prepare dragon fruit ice cream, you need to prepare:

  • 2 ripe and sweet red dragon fruit (you can also replace with white dragon fruit if you want)
  • Juice of 1 fresh lemon
  • 20g of white sugar
  • 100 ml of condensed milk with sugar
  • 150 ml of fresh milk
  • 200 ml of fresh cream (if you want a fine cream)
  • Blender, strainer, strainer, egg whisk, ice cream maker


♥ Step 1: Wash dragon fruit, peel off the skin and dice 2 dragon fruits.

♥ Step 2: Add the dragon fruit mixed with white sugar, lemon juice in a large bowl. Then, cover the bowl with food wrap and place in a refrigerator for 30 minutes.

♥ Step 3: Remove the mixture from the cooler and put it in the blender and start blending until the mixture is smooth. You should filter through the sieve a few times to make the mixture completely smooth because this will help the cream to be more porous, prevent pigmentation.

♥ Step 4: After thorough filtration, put the mixture into a large bowl, add to the condensed milk, fresh milk and prepared milk cream. Use a whisk to make a note, while beating, you must beat in a certain direction and gradually increase the speed to make sure all the ingredients are completely intertwined.

♥ Step 5: Put the finely creamed cream mixture in a container or popsicles mold, cover and place in the freezer. Note that you should remove the cream every 30 minutes and mix well. Then continue to put in the freezer compartment. Do this 6–7 times in a row until you see that the cream is gradually becoming fluffy.

♥ Step 6: When enjoying, use a large spoon or cream scoop to scrape each round ice cream into a plate or glass. Depending on your preference, you can sprinkle a little more coconut fiber, peanuts or crushed almonds, and waffles. Also, sprinkle on a cream of some dragon fruit or chocolate syrup if desired.

Eating dragon fruit brings a lot of health benefits and with 5 recipes of dragon fruit smoothie, dragon fruit juice, dragon wine, dragon fruit syrup and simple dragon ice cream above, you already know how to eat dragon fruit. More delicious at home. Let's start working so all family members can enjoy these cool desserts!

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