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Thanh Long Kien Kien is honored to participate in the "Women Entrepreneurs Summit - 2019"

This year, the International Entrepreneurship Summit for Women - 2019, organized by the South Asia Women's Development Forum with the topic of Economic Exploitation and Economic Empowerment, was held on September 13-14. Kathmandu, Nepal.
The conference brought together international delegates from more than 22 countries and focused on a number of emerging issues such as e-commerce, agriculture, gender, women's leadership, sustainable development and tourism. .
Through this conference, policy makers, entrepreneurs, researchers and development practitioners discussed how the public and private sectors can help overcome barriers and accelerate support. support for women entrepreneurs, young people and startups. The summit resulted in three major results-
• Signing MOU between Nepal NARC Agricultural Research Council and National Food Technology Business and Management Institute (NIFTEM), India. The cooperation of the two institutes will benefit Nepal in the advancement of new technologies for the agricultural sector.
• Collaborate with UNESCAP at the National Entrepreneurship Workshop on building e-commerce capacity for women leading MSMEs in South Asia. This is a two year project.
• A regional survey in South Asia was conducted by the WTO in cooperation with SAWDF, targeting women entrepreneurs. A workshop on pre-testing a training module on trade rules was held on September 15, 2019 by the WTO in collaboration with SAWDF.
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