Red flesh dragon fruit has small but heavy weight, bright red flesh, juicy, fragrant, especially very sweet. The taste is particularly more delicious than regular white dragon fruit. The product is grown in an organic way, not using soaked chemicals, growth stimulants, toxic preservatives, ensuring safety for consumers' health.

Red flesh dragon fruit
Red flesh dragon fruit contains a lot of vitamins A, C, protid, glucid, lipids which are very good for health. The fiber content of dragon fruit is also very high compared to other fruits, including two types of insoluble fiber (cellulose) and soluble fiber (pectin) that help regulate the activity of the digestive system. , reduces dangerous substances to the body such as fats, cholesterol ... The product can be used directly after peeling or processing into juices, other smoothies.

Red intestine dragon fruit - An extremely healthy fruit
Red flesh dragon fruit is one of the fruits with the most suitable nutritional ingredients for maintaining shape and beauty. Each 100g red flesh dragon fruit provides only 40kcalo because in dragon fruit the water content is 87.6%. This high water content helps moisturize the skin, helps the skin smooth, reduces the phenomenon of dry, cracked, aging and aging skin, keeping the skin looking youthful and fresh.

The fiber content of red flesh dragon fruit is also very high compared to other fruits, including two types of insoluble fiber (cellulose) and soluble fiber (pectin) to help regulate the operation of the system. digestion, reduce dangerous substances for the body such as fats, cholesterol, toxins ... reduce the risk of acne, boils on the skin.